Thank you for [notifying me of the results]… I’ve made an excellent recovery no doubt due to your surgery…
Patient Feedback
Thank you very much for looking after me
Thank you for [notifying me of the results]… I’ve made an excellent recovery no doubt due to your surgery…
I just wanted to say a big thank you for spending so much time talking with me at my appointment… I really appreciate your understanding words and empathy for how I am feeling at present. Also, thank you for your encouragement and reassurance that things will get better and especially for working towards giving me another 50 years.
Just a huge Thank-you for doing my operation so quickly, and the wonderful care I have received on my journey so far. Thank-you so much!
There are only a few people in ones life that they will remember forever…and you are one of them”
I know you might just be doing your job, but this woman certainly appreciates your kindness and professional attention!
[Thank you] for the study you did and the trials you went through to help a stranger like me. Takes a great man like you. The care I’ve had from everyone at the PA hospital has been amazing.
Thanks so much for your wonderful bedside manner!!
Thanks so much for your surgical care before, during and after the operation performed… For the entire process I always felt in good hands… I feel very well, the scarring is minimal and I’ll be returning to work in a few days.
There are no words that can convey how I feel except thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have always wanted to do this. My daughter was beside herself with shock as was I and you just listened to me rant on…I don’t know what the future holds for me but I will never forget your kindness and genuine concern.