Many thanks for your expert help during the past year. I am very grateful for your care & kindness
Patient Feedback
With deep gratitude for your help & support through [the year]
Viva Vujovic! Hail the masked artist working with scalpel and flesh sculpting amazons!
Thank you for [notifying me of the results]… I’ve made an excellent recovery no doubt due to your surgery…
Thank you so much for your immediate attention to my condition. We appreciate it so much.
Petar thank you & all your team so much for putting me back on the straight & narrow…It has been greatly appreciated by all my family
I would just like to thank you ever so much for all the care you gave me throughout my journey to my full recovery. I couldn’t have wished for a better Doctor and Surgeon to take care of me. Thank you.
Thank you for the care & support you have given me over the past 15 months. It has been invaluable to me & I look forward to a continuation…
Thank you for coming to my rescue… thank you for everything
Thanks so much for your surgical care before, during and after the operation performed… For the entire process I always felt in good hands… I feel very well, the scarring is minimal and I’ll be returning to work in a few days.
I would like to say thank you for helping me I really appreciate it and I am so grateful for your dedication to your work so you can help people like me.