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Thank you very much for looking after me
Petar thank you & all your team so much for putting me back on the straight & narrow…It has been greatly appreciated by all my family
Thank you for helping me through a rough patch. I’m very lucky I was in such good hands. You made being a doctor patient very easy.
…[I was] feeling so well after having received such care from you during my surgery in Brisbane…I have received individual comments from [the chief oncologist and radiologist] regarding the skill and efficiency applied to me during the surgery you gave me…isn’t it wonderful to be recognized and acknowledged by colleagues even though oceans separate each other. Once again, I do thank you most sincerely…
Thanks so much for being the person who was so instrumental in being responsible for my body being put on the road to complete recovery…Please accept my deepest gratitude for your skill and training and for your team’ support
…I’m extremely grateful that you…took the time to see and treat me so quickly…
Thanks so much for your surgical care before, during and after the operation performed… For the entire process I always felt in good hands… I feel very well, the scarring is minimal and I’ll be returning to work in a few days.
Thank you for coming to my rescue… thank you for everything
It is quite difficult to thank someone who has literally saved your life! My gratitude is difficult to express. Thank you for your dedication to your work and compassion with all those you deal with in my position. You are a treasure to our community and your work is truly humbling
Immeasurable gratitude for your extraordinary skill that delivered surgery without pain – unbelievable! Ever indebted