To the Wonderful Dr Vujovic Thank you for being exceptional! Despite my diagnosis…we feel completely at ease in your capable hands. [We] are once again extremely appreciative to have you as our surgeon.
My sincere thanks for your wonderful skills during my stay at the PA. Thanks!
I am writing…to let you know how much I appreciate the thoughtfulness and care you showed towards me. I really appreciated your understanding regarding the operation and the scar I would be left with from the operation and my overall well being…The operation was a success, the lump was removed and I had a nice and neat little scar around the edge of my nipple…Once again I would like to deeply thank you for the consideration you showed me towards my operation and the scaring I’d be left with.
…I’m extremely grateful that you…took the time to see and treat me so quickly…
Thank you for being such an excellent and conscientious surgeon. Also, I appreciated your phone call and reassurance last week very much.
Thank you for your prompt care. You are truly a God send!
I would like to say thank you for helping me I really appreciate it and I am so grateful for your dedication to your work so you can help people like me.
Thank you for giving us the best Christmas we will ever have. How fortunate we are to have you as our Surgeon.
Sincere thanks for your continued support & expert care
Thank you for your excellent care and brilliant surgical skills. I am very grateful to have been in your care