Dr Petar VujovicAbout Dr Petar Vujovic

Dr. Petar Vujovic is an experienced General Surgeon at the Wesley Breast and Endocrine Centre, a private medical specialist practice located at suite 39 of the Wesley Medical Centre.  This is on the campus of the Wesley Hospital, Auchenflower, Brisbane, Australia.  Dr. Vujovic has been operating and consulting at the Wesley Hospital campus since 2002. Dr. Vujovic also runs an intermediate operating list at the Princess Alexandra Hospital for those patients who do not have private health insurance. For more info regarding Dr Vujovic’s consulting locations click here.

Dr. Vujovic graduated from the University of Western Australia, Perth, in 1990 and completed His General Surgical training in 1999. He undertook post-fellowship training at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in 1999.

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…thanking you again for giving me such a lovely Christmas gift – my regained health” (J)

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